Re: Multi-Tech CommPlete vs. PM3?

Sherwood Pekelo (
Tue, 8 Apr 1997 19:38:05 -1000 (HST)

On Tue, 8 Apr 1997, Jason Robbins wrote:

> > >
> > > What troubles me is that I'm looking at getting our first PM-3, which
> > > will be our only box for a while, and I need to know how to handle that
> > > other 30%. Must I have a couple of USR's attached to something else to
> > > satisfy these users? Is this percentage even higher here in the *US*?
> Same situation/questions here.
> >
> > It's the marketing that users see blindly and believe, I've shown a little
> > 56k modem web page I wrote to a few users that were going to buy USR 56k
> > modems and it easily changed their mind, no problems.
> It is the marketing that scares me. Rockwell just makes the chips, so they
> may have a mindset that says don't 'sell' K56flex to the public. I don't
> care how superior the technology is or who is behind it, if no one sells the
> K56flex mindset to the public, X2 will win. Hopefully the PM3 will support
> BOTH pretty soon. if I could just get this darn VHS tape into my
> beta VCR...

Check out march issue of boardwatch... also a back issue.. jan or feb?
had a huge article on hte 56K war....

