Re: Need Reassurance on PM3

Tim Flavin (
Tue, 8 Apr 1997 22:43:16 -0500 (CDT)

On Tue, 8 Apr 1997, Robert Boyle wrote:

> At 10:46 PM 4/8/97 -0400, you wrote:
> >We waiting on line provisioning from our Telco for numerous CT1 and PRI for
> >PM3's. The activity concerning PM3 problems on this list in the few past
> >days have caused me to re-think my decision to go with this product.
> We are using PRI from a DMS-100 and we plugged it in and haven't thought
> about it since (Well, except for the first few ComOS updates to fix broken
> 14.4k modems.)
> >I know there must be many ISPs running these with no problems, but of
> >course we don't hear from too many of them on this list. If there are any
> >users of these units having few or no problems please respond, in any
> >manner you see reasonable, letting me know of your success. No need for
> >people having problems to respond, I can see all of them clearly here. I
> >am looking for information that will re-establish my confidence in the PM3.
> It seems that the people having problems are using Channelized T1 lines. I
> haven't thought twice about the product since we plugged it in.

I'm taking CT1 off an Erikson and DMS-100 switch, never so much as a
hickup. Spent 4 hours with tech support today on a PM3 taking PRI off a
5ESS that seemed to wanna reboot every 45 to 90 minutes. Reloaded code
then upgraded code and everything is back to smooth sailing again.

> >I am specifically interested in how 28.8k-33.6k calls are being handled as
> >well as 64K ISDN.
> People with USR modems seem to get lower connect speeds, but similar
> throughput. Also, IBM MWave modems don't work correctly, but they don't
> work with anything! Based on my experience with the PM3, I highly recommend
> it.

I've not noticed a problem with anyone using 33.6k and below modems, it's
the Motorola 56k that would not connect, and Motorola came through for
that as well today (God I love compitent support departments)

Subject: Re: Bill w/Motorola 2nd Level Support (fwd)

Our customer Tim Flavin says:
> Said he spoke with you last week regarding connection problems with
> pm3 and Motorola modems. He said to tell you people with Motorola modems
> can connect with the following AT string:
> AT+MS=11,0,9600,33600
> This string forces the modem into V34 mode.

Tim Flavin Internet Access for St Louis & Chicago
Internet 1st, Inc Toll Free Sales & Support 800-875-3173 For more information email