Re: PM3 digital modems SLOWER than analog?

Sherwood Pekelo (
Tue, 8 Apr 1997 16:00:10 -1000 (HST)

On Tue, 8 Apr 1997, Jaime Bozza wrote:

> On Tue, 8 Apr 1997, Jordan Mendelson wrote:
> > We've seen a lot of posts about latency issues and what not on the PM3,
> > but I have yet to see a response from Livingston. With the introduction of
> > the new Lucent chip sets, Livingston won't even be using their old modem
> > code, so if it WAS the modem code, we should see some sort of difference.
> The closest response I received was from MZ about an issue with the
> V.42bis dictionary. (PM3 has a 512 byte dictionary, and most - all? -
> modems have a 2048 byte dictionary) This would (possibly) account for the
> latency issues, and I expect that to be resolved once the new code is out.
> We *DO* have an issue of slower download times with one customer (Only
> slight), though I've seen other messages (one this morning) about slower
> transfers. I'm not sure what this could be, though it still could be
> centered around V.42bis.

I would check their connect rates first...they may be connecting at a
lower rate i.e. 14.4K or 19.2K, this should indicate some difficulty in
establishing a higher rate. Find out what modem they are using and try
see if you can get thier init string and tweak that. Please, post
solutions you find. 8)


