Re: K56Flex, K56Plus, vflex.2

Stephen Fisher (
Tue, 8 Apr 1997 14:50:21 -0600 (MDT)

Ever since Lucent and Rockwell joined together in the 56k crusade, it has
been pretty much this way. They went from V.Flex2 and K56Plus to K56Flex.

On Tue, 8 Apr 1997, Jordan Mendelson wrote:

> Welp, I got another issue of Boardwatch today. I read the editor's
> commentary and claimed that K56Plus, Rockwell's own chipset will be
> dropped. It then went on to say that Rockwell will simply use K56Flex.
> It also claimed that vflex.2, Lucent's chipset will also be dropped in
> order to only produce a uniform K56Flex chipset. All features (such as
> 45/45) will be available in both Rockwell & Lucent's K56Flex
> implementations.
> I'm not too sure how accurate this information is... a lot of the stuff
> in Boardwatch is WAY off base, but the Editor's Notes are usually
> accurate.
> Anyone want to confirm this?