K56Flex, K56Plus, vflex.2

Jordan Mendelson (jordy@snappy.wserv.com)
Tue, 8 Apr 1997 11:37:37 -0400 (EDT)

Welp, I got another issue of Boardwatch today. I read the editor's
commentary and claimed that K56Plus, Rockwell's own chipset will be
dropped. It then went on to say that Rockwell will simply use K56Flex.
It also claimed that vflex.2, Lucent's chipset will also be dropped in
order to only produce a uniform K56Flex chipset. All features (such as
45/45) will be available in both Rockwell & Lucent's K56Flex

I'm not too sure how accurate this information is... a lot of the stuff
in Boardwatch is WAY off base, but the Editor's Notes are usually

Anyone want to confirm this?

Jordan Mendelson     : www.wserv.com/~jordy
Web Services, Inc.   : www.wserv.com