Uptimes on Portmasters Re: Multi-Tech CommPlete vs. PM3?

ServNet Listbox - (listbox@serv.net)
Mon, 7 Apr 1997 15:07:40 -0700 (PDT)

doris> version
Livingston Enterprises PortMaster Version 3.3.1c1
System uptime is 291 days 2 hours 37 minutes

We're switching to PM3's but we're probably going to keep this PM2eR
around for our dedicated 28.8k customers. I guess we'll need to upgrade
eventually, but I'm hoping we can put it off another 84 days or so.

On Mon, 7 Apr 1997, Pete Holsberg wrote:
> On Mon, 7 Apr 1997, Dave Kennedy wrote:
> > Finally! I've been waiting for someone to toss out an
> > uptime. Here's mine:
> > Command> ver
> > Livingston Enterprises PortMaster Version 3.3.1
> > System uptime is 242 days 16 hours 55 minutes
> > I guess one of these days I'll upgrade. But I'll be sad.
> > (As my 3 1/2 year old son says.)
> Let me know after you do, Dave. :-)
> tanner> ver
> Livingston Enterprises PortMaster Version 3.1.2
> System uptime is 281 days 21 hours 41 minutes

Sonja Jo Krenz-Bush ServNet/Abstract Software
sjkb@abstractsoft.com http://www.serv.net/~begonia
``Just another one of the flock following the herd.''