Re: Preventing more than one user login at the same time.

Sherwood Pekelo (
Mon, 7 Apr 1997 08:11:55 -1000 (HST)

On Mon, 7 Apr 1997, Rafal Szmidt wrote:

> I'd like to prevent some users from simultanously using one account at
> the same time. I have PM-2ER with ComOS 3.5. In PMConsole there is
> something like max port value for Network user but when I set this to 1
> it doesn't work. Am I missing something ? Is there any
> possiblity to do that without Radius ?

go to:


Look at pmmon .. cost $500

or hack pmwho or the like....

Radius does NOT support this, and it won't due to many technical

reading the documentation should have pointed this out to you...

(to MZ) is it about time to create a FAQ? Seeing as this is one of the
most frequently asked questions?

