Radius stuff

Jacob H. Suter (jsuter@intrastar.net)
Sun, 6 Apr 1997 15:37:53 -0500 (CDT)

Hi folks,

Recently after a few battles with my system, I have decided to upgrade
radius and try to straighten it out a bit.

Basically what I am looking at is that right now my radius records are
about 7 lines of ultra-redundant data per customer. After reading the
Radius guide PDF I got no clue on how to make it so its only one line per
radius user, and use generic info unless I specify otherwise in my user
record. Right now all of my customers are dynamic single IP users, so 98%
of my radius file is pure fluff. Its also slow to parse and is an overall
pain when adding new users.

I see the "DEFAULT" entry thing, but that apparently always uses the unix
password file, which I'd like to avoid if possible.

So is there a way around this?


Jacob Suter
Intrastellar Internet Service

PS. I am not on the radius list, only portmaster-users, so please send me
email directly.