Re: USR Sportsters and PM3 (fwd)

MegaZone (
Sat, 5 Apr 1997 17:01:09 -0800 (PST)

Once upon a time Jaime Bozza shaped the electrons to say...
>The issue we have is latency. The latency with the PM3 is higher in any
>test that I've done, no matter what I do. And some of our customers

All of the test data I have seen on the lists is apples to oranges -
ESPECIALLY the ping times.

Compression folks - the dictionary size difference can make for over
20ns difference, easily higher depending on the data. Ping packets
are amongst those that show the greatest difference.

When the new modem code is out with the 2048 dictionary, THEN compare them.

As a few users have mentioned already, if thye transfer compressed data
the performace is basically equal - because the V.42bis compression doesn't
have an impact.


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