Ascend Pipeline 50 -> 5-BRI notes

Kendrick Myatt (
Fri, 04 Apr 1997 12:10:41 -0600

Hello :)
I tried to get a P50 to connect up with my PM full of 5-BRI, and it
would dial up, get auth, start PPP, routing, and then after a few seconds
just drop carrier. Livingston support confirmed this fact for me, so I knew
the PM was not at fault (of course :) I called Ascend and they said that it
was an OLD unit with very old OS (4.4). Then they told me to get the 5.0
release and gave the URL.
Tried and tried to get it to upload the new OS, but it just wouldn't
take. After talking to them again, this time the tech said that it's a good
thing that release didn't load or it would have toasted the P50!! Now we
have the right version of the OS to load and will try that soon. Supposedly
it will fix that nasty hang up problem and it will work just fine.
So if you have to do this, remember to make sure that you get the
b1.50 version from the site under the Patch dir, not the b.50 version in the
Releases dir. Just a tip :)
So , if it works, my next trick will be to get it to connect with
multilink and get 128K. Sadly, I have no docs on the P50 and Ascend does not
seem to have them on their website like Livingston does :( Bummer.
If anybody has any tips or quick instructions on what to do, I'd
appreciate it! :) Otherwise I guess I'm on my own here since there are no
docs at Livingston about how to do it and support didn't have any ideas.
And holding for Ascend's support... let's just say I had more than enough
time to savor a couple of corona grandes...
Oh well, that's what happens when there are no ORs to buy anywhere.
That price drop cleaned everyone out I guess :( Time to stock up on them
when the backorders come in :)

