Re: No service on BRI

rick osteen (
Fri, 04 Apr 1997 05:44:30 -0700

>On Mon, 31 Mar 1997, D'Arcy J.M. Cain wrote:
>> This has happened twice in the last few days. I have a PM-2e with a
>> 5-BRI card. I have 4 of the 5 BRIs connected to a line. What happens
>> is that whole BRIs show "NO SERVICE" and nothing short of a reboot
>> will clear it. I had the local phone company check the line and they
>> claim that there is no problem. The proper SPIDS are registered. A reset
>> will not clear the problem. A reboot does.
>> Note that while both channels in a BRI go together, it is not always the
>> same BRI that has the problem. Has anyone seen this before and do you
>> have any suggestions for me?
>Yeah, give up. Aboiut 15 people I know of have this problem.
>Everyone's complaines. Everyone has updated, and no response
>from Livingston. The only way to reclaim it is to reboot the
>PM. More memory helps a LITTLE, but it will still happen.
You're right! I've tried to ask for the guy who developed it and no
answer... we already know that Megazone has nothing to do with it because he
said he wasn't the guru for ISDN stuff. ISDN, ISDN, ISDN..... sorry, I was
dreaming of the last problem we had and woke up in cold sweat.
I guess for those out there that are still waiting, I Still Don't kNow is
catching around the california area and about 15 of us are still waiting for
the resident ISDN guru to show up. Maybe he's around waiting for a space ship?

Ok, I'll be helpful now. The thing we did was to add alot of memory.....
worked for awhile(16meg, and had to boot about every 3weeks) but then our
async ports were getting busier and busier so that ate at the memory faster
so rebooting back to every 7 days came back to haunt me. So, I recently
moved 5 ports off to another pm2e and will monitor that for awhile.

I have a pm2er with 3.3.3 os
