RadiusNT Login Limit

Devron Knowles (devronk@rmci.net)
Thu, 3 Apr 1997 08:37:15 -0700

I was wondering if anyone out there has successfully got the new =
RadiusNT (1.16 rev 42) login limit function to work? I'm halfway there =
but it's still not working. If I use any switch -R I can login anyone =
one time, but then that username can only be on the system once.=20

If I up the limit to 10 I still can only get the user to login once. =
While looking at the Radius switches I decided that a -R3 was the way to =
go. I implemented this and I thought that I had it working. It let me =
dialin with two logins a few times but then it seemed to just stop =
working (probably not, but it felt like it). No matter what I have set =
in the login limit field for that user, I still can only have one login. =

Any ideas would be appreciated.

Thank You

Devron Knowles
IS Coordinator
RMC Internet Services