Re: Radius (fwd)

Dale E. Reed Jr. (
Wed, 02 Apr 1997 18:01:37 -0800

MegaZone wrote:
> Once upon a time Thomas R. Pulaski shaped the electrons to say...
> >Does anyone know where I can get Radius 2.0 for Windows NT which (I heard)
> >installs and runs as a service?
> RADIUS 2.0 for NT has not been released, it is in beta.

Unfortunately, many people are really confusing RadiusNT (by
IEA) with RADIUS NT (By Livingston). Some even assume they are
the same product and others are confusing RadiusNT 1.16.60
(which does install and run as a service) as RadiusNT 2.0
or RadiusNT 6.0.

Guess we better up to Version 9.0 (thats Mickysoft Versioning)
to really confuse the masses. :)

Dale E. Reed Jr.  (
       IEA Software, Inc.      |  RadiusNT, Emerald, and NT FAQs
 Internet Solutions for Today  |