Re: RFE!!!!!

Jason Fesler (
Wed, 02 Apr 1997 16:59:36 -0800

For what it's worth, once I got my first PM working, I merely saved
a copy of the config file, and uploaded it to the other dozen portmasters..
It saved me a lot of time on the 2nd, 3rd, etc units :-).

At 08:56 PM 4/2/97 -0600, you wrote:
>For what it's worth, I sincerely agree with Jake. Having just recently
>had to set up 5 consecutive pm11s all with the exact same port
>configuration, I was thinking to myself "it sure would be nice to have
>clone work for all ports".

Jason Fesler   'whois jf319'     | "Time is an illusion;
Admin, CalWeb Internet Services     | lunchtime, doubly so."
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