Re: Excellent Support Story

Damien T. (
Wed, 2 Apr 1997 16:23:36 -0800 (PST)

At 10:27 AM 4/2/97 -0500, you wrote:
>> 1. Unlimited multiple frame relay subinterfaces that don't need to be in
>> the same network (we could use this).
>This, IMHO, is far more important than ethrnet aliasing.

I agree. The printed configuration material from Livingston has promised
that the single subinterface limitation would be removed in a 'future
release' as though it were just about to happen. But this has been,
what...a year and a half now?

Someone on the list, Patrick G. I beleive, has noted that this may be
possible in some way with location tables, but I was not able to get it to
work. When I raised this issue before on the list, someone from Livingston
asked me to point out where it said this in the docs, which I did. There
was never a response.
