DNIS on Chan T-1 ?

David Carmean (dlc@avtel.net)
Wed, 2 Apr 1997 14:22:34 -0800

Recent posts seem to indicate that DNIS for robbed-bit CT1 is
ignored in the PM3. Are there plans to get it into the RADIUS
request, as they are for PRI?

It would greatly simplify sharing of modem pools between providers/
corporations, etc....

I need (want) to figure out a way to merge the modem pools of two
formerly competing ISPs as we move to PM3s. Requiring a move
to "realms" as in Merit RADIUS has been discussed, but practically
rejected as likely to cause many heart-attacks in tech support, and
customer loss.

PRI pricing sucks in GTE-land.

P.S.: send "Betty" my regards.

David Carmean                                           <dlc@avtel.net>
Avtel Communications, Santa Barbara, CA			+1-805-730-7740
  Opinions herein are those of the author only, unless otherwise noted