RE: Monitoring Utilities (Pmmon rocks!)

Dax Kelson (
Wed, 2 Apr 1997 08:43:20 -0700 (MST)

We use PMMON, it works great. It works with PortMasters, USR
NetServers/Total Control, and other terminal servers. Here a little blurb
from the web page. I really recommend it.

Do you have problems with

users logging in multiple times?
users staying logged in forever?
users defeating your idle times with pings or email checks?
the boss wanting statistics about the modem pool?
tracking dead modems?

Would you like

to stop multiple logins?
to know which users are doing multiple logins?
to have time limits enforced based upon how full your modem pool is?
to warn your user via email about being logged out for a time limit?
to send them different email depending on why they were logged out?
to be able to see all your ports on all your terminal servers at once?
to be able to tell the last time a port was used?
to gather usage information on ports?
to know the daily usage of your Port Masters?
to know the hourly usage of your Port Masters?
to be able to find out how many modems are currently in use?
to be able to have some users exempt from time limits (such as yourself)?
to be able to custom configure logout rules for different users?
to have an easy configuration file for all of this?
to have an HTML interface to all of this?
to have graphical charts of your modem usage?