Re: RadiusNT

Dale E. Reed Jr. (
Tue, 1 Apr 1997 23:45:00 -0800 (PST)

On Wed, 2 Apr 1997, Agus Surachman wrote:

> Dear,
> Is RadiusNT ver 2.0 available.
> How can we get it?

Livingston's RADIUS server is at 2.0. RadiusNT is NOT the
same product. They diverged at 1.16.16, and are on two different
paths. Livingston will be releasing thier 2.0 product for Windows
NT here soon. RadiusNT 1.17.5 has many common features
as Livingston's 2.0 server, and they both had additional features
the other doesn't have.
