Re: PRI "digits to complete a call" & DID numbers (fwd)

MegaZone (
Tue, 1 Apr 1997 16:27:57 -0800 (PST)

Once upon a time Marty Likier shaped the electrons to say...
>I believe they are referring to DNIS (dialed number identification service)
>digits. For PRI, the PM3 handles up to 10 digits. But if your not using
>DNIS for RADIUS accounting of caller-id, I say zero digits. (And i'm sure
>the is a premium for this service, so by declining, you can save a few bucks.)

Conversely, if there is not a premium on this get it. You may want it
later, and the reprovisioning charge for PRI can be large. It doesn't
hurt to have it and not use it - if it doesn't cost you.


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