Re: Subnetworks through a modem connection?

Robert Boyle (
Tue, 01 Apr 1997 18:13:05 -0500

At 12:10 PM 4/1/97 -0500, you wrote:
>I have a customer that wants to have a constant connection with at least
>15 IP's.. and a couple questions come to mind:

Yes. If see the Livingston support pages for the netmasks page. /28 or networks used to have some incorrect entries on their
chart, I'm not sure if MZ fixed them yet. You need to assign a subnet to
the customer. You also need to add a static route in your gateway router
telling it how to get to the subnet. You will want to use a /27 network.
This config assumes that the router you are using on the customer side can
do unnumbered ppp. If you are using an NT machine, you will need to use a
static assigned address from the same network as your PM2's address pool,
but not on the same network as the /27 assigned to the customer.

Subnet Mask #Subnets/#Hosts Network# IP-Range Broadcast
.224 /27 8/30 .0 .1-.30 .31
.32 .33-.62 .63
.64 .65-.94 .95
.96 .97-.126 .127
.128 .129-.158 .159
.160 .161-.190 .191
.192 .193-.222 .223
.224 .225-.254 .255

>1. Is this possible to do with PM2's and Radius? Anything I should be
>aware of? Is it going to cause me any routing problems of any kind? what
>would be the best way to do it?

user Password = "password"
User-Service = Framed-User,
Framed-Protocol = PPP,
Framed-Address =,
Framed-Netmask =,
Framed-Compression = Van-Jacobsen-TCP-IP,
Framed-Route = " 1",
Framed-MTU = 1500

This should work.

>2. I assume that if possible I'll end up giving the customer 30 IP's..
>because I do have a class C subnetted with a .224 netmask.. but.. what do
>other people charge for this kind of service?

That is correct since a /28 or .240 netmask would only yield 14 usable
hosts. /27 will give you 30 useable host addresses.
