Re: PRI "digits to complete a call" & DID numbers

Marty Likier (
Tue, 01 Apr 1997 10:18:36 -0800

At 12:47 PM 4/1/97 -0500, Dick St.Peters wrote:
>For my PRI order NYNEX provisioning called with questions neither I
>nor my rep are sure about:
>1. Quantity of "digits to complet a call" ? My rep thinks this is an
>irrelevant PBX thing. Correct?

I believe they are referring to DNIS (dialed number identification service)
digits. For PRI, the PM3 handles up to 10 digits. But if your not using
DNIS for RADIUS accounting of caller-id, I say zero digits. (And i'm sure
the is a premium for this service, so by declining, you can save a few bucks.)

>2. NYNEX says they won't do a PRI with only 1 number. DIDs come in
>blocks of 20 and 100, and to get 1 number I have to buy a minimum-size
>block of 20. Is this normal? Is it correct/wrong ?

In general, I have not heard of a 20 group of DID numbers being a mandatory
requirement. I do know that if you want more than one DID number, they
usually will make you pay for a entire 20 group (whether you use them all
or not).

Marty Likier
Product Marketing Mgr.