Re: Assigned IP addresses question

Stephen Fisher (
Tue, 1 Apr 1997 07:33:11 -0700 (MST)

The only way is to upgrade to ComOS 3.5 and then use the "set pool [xx]"
command which will set the size of the assigned pool.

On Mon, 31 Mar 1997, Ric Rocheleau wrote:

> PM25
> ComOS 3.3.3
> Question:
> Can portmasters assign a smaller range than 30
> addresses?
> I have several devices attached to a pm25 which
> require dialin access, ie; ports 1-7 are modem (USR-V34)
> incoming PPP.
> Ports 8-21 are various network and Unix devices to which
> we either telnet or console connect via remote PPP.
> I would like the PM25 to assign the addresses to the
> PPP clients, unfortunately, 30 addresses is a whole subnet
> for me. I would like to use 7-8 addresses , not all 30.