Multiple Frame Relay connection on PM 2ER (fwd)

MegaZone (
Sat, 30 Nov 1996 08:00:28 -0800 (PST)

Once upon a time The Blade Runner shaped the electrons to say...
> We also like to use the same Frame Relay interface to connect to
>remote office which has his own class C IP.
> We use Cisco 2501 router at the remote office.
> Central Office
>---------------- x.x.35.0 / -----------------
> |
> |
> ---------------------------------------------
> | Portmaster ether0=x.x.35.254 |
> | |
> | |
> | W1 address x.x.95.170/ |
> ---------------------------------------------
> |
> | <---- Frame Relay
> |----------------------------------\
> | \
> | \
> | \
> | \
> | \
> -------------------------- ---------------------------
> |Internet Service Provider| | Remote Office Cicso 2501 |
> | CICSO Router | | |
> | NI Addr= x.x.95.169/252 | | NI Addr= ? |
> | Ether = x.x.160.241/0 | | Ether Add= x.x.36.254/0 |
> -------------------------- ----------------------------
> | |
> | |
> | ISP network |
>------- x.x.160.0/0------- ----x.x.36.0/0------

.252 means 2 IPs only, so in this scenario you cannot put the Remote Office
on the same interface. You need to configure a Sub-Interface and give it
the second subnet for the remote office.

Subinterfaces are covered in the Config Guide - I believe also in the Command
Line Admin Guide and there may be an appnote on the web.

Alternatively you could redo the entire WAN setup and use a larger subnet
to include both sites - but I think the subinterface is better.


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