RE: Trouble with ComOS 3.3.3

William Sommers (
Fri, 29 Nov 96 12:38:35 PST

On Thu, 28 Nov 1996 23:15:16 -0600 Binary Net - Gleb wrote:

> So, the question remains: are we the only ISP that experiences this
> or is it common? I've seen couple of messages about "all-of-a-sudden"
> reboots but I've never seen any solutions to it.... :(

Actually, if you'd seen my messages, you'd have seen the only solution I
ever had success with... they are almost certainly in the archives. In

- reformat the flash RAM, *all* of it
(set register 0xffff 0x0f63)

- reload a generic ComOS via the PROM Boot tftp method
(serial loads did not work for me, kept getting bad CRC)

- reconfigure manually, do *NOT* attempt to reload a saved config or
you will back in square one

- upgrade to the appropriate ComOS

The specifics for the first two pseudo-steps above are in the manuals. I've
not had a problem on any of our previously affected units since doing the
above to each, all now running ComOS 3.3.2c1 or higher. One unit, a PM2eR
running more-or-less flawlessly for months under 3.3.2, just got bitten by
spontaneous reboots this week, so I trust nothing prior to 3.3.2c1.

William Sommers
San Francisco Online
Televolve, Inc.