Re: Class C subnetting with PM2e & Ascend P25

John G. Thompson (
Thu, 28 Nov 1996 19:40:50 -0800 (PST)

On Wed, 27 Nov 1996, Paonia Ezrine wrote:

> > The LAN network should use the LAN IP address of the P25 for the gateway
> > address.
> >
> if you mean the lan on the isdn side it does.

I don't understand. I mean the LAN ethernet attached to the P25.

> > > but when he pings the serial port on the P25, he can
> > > see packets
> > > arriving and transmitting but the PM2e never registers the echo packet and
> > > thinks it's unreachable.

Could you include a copy of the P25 packet trace and a copy of the
corresponding trace from the PM?

> ok xx.xx.xx.97/27 is the destionation address on the pm2e in the loc file
> xx.xx.xx.97/27 is the IF addreess on the ascend

The PM location destination and the P25 config match, good.

> xx.xx.xx.126/27 is the isdn side lan address of the ascend

Hmm. The P25 ethernet interface address is in the same subnet network as the
serial interface. I know this would cause problems on a PM, it appears
that the P25 can handle this situation of the same network on two different
physical segments.

> xx.xx.xx.33 is the ether0 port on the pm2e
> xx.xx.xx.33/24 is the lan address on the Ascend

I hope the above is a typo. As above I'm reading this as the PM's ether0
IP address and the P25's ethernet address are the same, which is a problem.
This conflicts with the above statement that the P25 lan address is .126.
Which is it?

> xx.xx.xx.100 is a unix box that side on the isdn lan

.100 is unix box on the P25 ehternet lan? Is there a host on the PM's
ehternet lan? I would expect it to be in the 34 to 62 address range,
assuming the netmask on the PM's thernet is also 27 bits or .224

> from the pm I can ping xx.xx.xx.126 and I get an answer


> from the pm If I ping xx.xx.xx.97 I see the packet arrive at the ascend
> and I see that the ascend send them back but they never get there

This is very interesting. For the ping to get to .126 it would have to go
through the .97 interface.

Please include the P25 packet trace.

> >From the unix box I can ping xx.xx.xx.97 and xx.xx.xx.126 and I get an
> >answer

Okay, from the P25 ether lan, to both of the P25 interfaces.

What happens when the unix tries to ping the PM's ethernet address of .33?

> > On the PM is there a icmp packet trace filter running?
> no

Please add it and use it.

> > If a host on the ethernet of the PM tries to ping the WAN of the
> > P25 what does the PM see?
> >
> see above

Above you do not describe or document a host on the PM's ethernet.

> > If the P25 tries to ping the PM WAN interface IP what does the PM see?
> did I answer this above?

Not clearly. I see that a ping from the PM to P25 WAN (serial) interface
appears to fail.

> > If the P25 tries to ping the PM ethernet address (if it is different from
> > the WAN address) what does the PM see?
> >
> see above (the p25 itself can ping anything)

You report the P25 pinging .97, but not pinging the PM's .33 address.
Please try it with packet tracing on and report the results.

> > If a host on the P25 LAN pings the PM's WAN and ethernet address what
> > does the PM see? If that host pings a host on the PM's LAN what does the
> > PM see?
> see above

Above you document the .100 host pinging the P25 interfaces and neither the
PM's ethernet nor a host on the PM's ehternet.

> > > Our
> > > default gateway is an address on the class C in question which is also a
> > > secondary address on a Cisco 2503 ethernet port which routes to our ISP
> > > and our other class C networks (secondaries on the same Cisco ethernet
> > > interface).When we apply the netmask to the class C, packets get lost for other
> > > dial-up hosts on the PM2e and all heck breaks loose.

Yes, I see. Changing the netmask on the Cisco means that you will also
need to add static routes on the Cisco to have it route the subnetcs correctly.

> > Secondary enternet addressing...very nasty stuff when it goes wrong.
> > Stick to one ethernet network on a physical segement.
> would this possible expain what we are seeing?

It might. I still don't have a good enough picture to understand your

Look at the following ascii drawing and answer the questions above and below
perform the ping tests and capture the trace output from both the PM and P25
and I think I can figure out what is going on.

+-- other hosts/routers?
---------------- |
| Cisco - IOS? | xx.xx.xx.??/?? |
| |------------------+
| | |
---------------- |
---------------- |
| PM-2E | xx.xx.xx.33/?? |
| ComOS ver? |------------------+
| |
| PPP? unnumbered?
| ISDN connection
| xx.xx.xx.97/27
| Ascend P25 | xx.xx.xx.126/27
| S/W version? |--------------------------+
| | xx.xx.xx.33/27 ?? |
| | +-- unix and .100
---------------- |
+-- others?

Stray thoughts...

Are the PM and P25 actually on the same physical segment attached to the


John G. Thompson       Livingston Enterprises Inc.    Phone: (800) 458-9966
JOAT(MON)              4464 Willow Road                 Fax: (510) 426-8951 Pleasanton, CA 94588