Re: Connecting to PM3 and Hanging

John G. Thompson (
Wed, 27 Nov 1996 14:12:37 -0800 (PST)

On Wed, 27 Nov 1996, Bernie Brocklehurst wrote:
> > Sounds like a routing problem. Either a default route or a gateway
> > route. Is the connection to the PM3 made after a connection to the
> > Annex?
> An intermittent problem though? And once you restart, it works, I
> can't see that being the problem (after restarting the end user
> system - not the PM3)

Yes, routing issues can be intermittent. That's why I asked about the
sequence of connetions and failures.

> > After a restart, a connetion to the PM3 does the conneciton to the
> > Annex work?
> Yes, after connecting to the PM3 and getting the problem, it does
> work with the Annex.. and at the same time, we have NEVER had this
> problem with the Annex and still don't.

Sorry, I didn't make myself clear. If you reboot the user's machine,
connect to the PM3 successfully and then try to connect to the Annex, is
there a problem?

> > Is this a win95 machine? If it is have they applied the kernel32
> > patch?
> It happens with Macintosh and Win 3.1 with the Shiva dialer also.
> Two more reported instances in the past 1 hour.

Best thing to do is to connect to the PM3, set console, set deb 0x51 to
see what happens during the connection negotiation.


John G. Thompson       Livingston Enterprises Inc.    Phone: (800) 458-9966
JOAT(MON)              4464 Willow Road                 Fax: (510) 426-8951 Pleasanton, CA 94588