Re: Connecting to PM3 and Hanging

Bernie Brocklehurst (
Wed, 27 Nov 1996 16:20:45 -0400


> Sounds like a routing problem. Either a default route or a gateway
> route. Is the connection to the PM3 made after a connection to the
> Annex?

An intermittent problem though? And once you restart, it works, I
can't see that being the problem (after restarting the end user
system - not the PM3)

> After a restart, a connetion to the PM3 does the conneciton to the
> Annex work?

Yes, after connecting to the PM3 and getting the problem, it does
work with the Annex.. and at the same time, we have NEVER had this
problem with the Annex and still don't.

> Is this a win95 machine? If it is have they applied the kernel32
> patch?

It happens with Macintosh and Win 3.1 with the Shiva dialer also.

Two more reported instances in the past 1 hour.
