Re: RFC1812 (fwd)

Bradley Dunn (
Wed, 27 Nov 1996 02:19:39 -0500 ()

On Tue, 26 Nov 1996, MegaZone wrote:

> Once upon a time Bradley Dunn shaped the electrons to say...
> >Does anyone know when (if ever) Livingston's products will comply with RFC
> >1812?
> Can you be a bit more general?
> How about what you feel we're not doing in partcular?

* Section 3.3.4
* The MTU of each logical interface MUST be configurable within the
* range of legal MTUs for the interface.
How do you set the MTU on ether0?

* Section
* Routers MUST support discontiguous subnetworks.
Does Livingston support discontiguous subnets?

* Section 7.2.1
* A router that implements any routing protocol (other than static
* routes) MUST IMPLEMENT OSPF (see Section [7.2.2]). A router MAY
* implement additional IGPs.
Is OSPF implemented in released, general-availability software?

* Section 7.4
* A router that supports a dynamic routing protocol MUST allow static
* routes to be defined with any metric valid for the routing protocol
* used. The router MUST provide the ability for the user to specify a
* list of static routes that may or may not be propagated through the
* routing protocol.
How does one control what static routes are distributed into RIP?

* Section 7.5.2
* Filtering of routing information allows control of paths used by a
* router to forward packets it receives. A router should be selective
* in which sources of routing information it listens to and what routes
* it believes. Therefore, a router MUST provide the ability to
* specify:
* o On which logical interfaces routing information will be accepted
* and which routes will be accepted from each logical interface.
* o Whether all routes or only a default route is advertised on a
* logical interface.
How does one specify which routes will be accepted from each interface?

Those are just the ones that struck me as I glanced through the

Some of the requirements I wasn't sure about and didn't feel like testing
(like ICMP redirects, ICMP address mask request/reply, ICMP router
discovery, SNMP stuff, etc...).

Of course I could be wrong about some of these. I am sure someone would be
happy to correct me. :-)