Re: Inactivity Time Out

Jacob Suter (
Tue, 26 Nov 1996 19:36:55 -0600

> I am using ESVA RADIUS on my PM running 3.1.4 ( I never upgraded because
> it works and I kept reading about problems)

Ok... I've gotta bitch here..

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Ok, so everyone and their grandmother bitched about Win95.. It had errors.
So now, I get customers that jump in MY shit for recomending Win95 (or NT
or anything other than Win3.1). We all know, 3.1 reeks worse than a
tom-cat's backside after an evening walking around his territory.

So... my point:

So a couple people had problems, the downgrade option is ALWAYS there. I
started out with 3.1.4, and about three days after I got my PM 3.3.1 was
out, I immediatly installed, and have followed the upgrade path
consistantly. I got burned a bit once on 3.3.2, but Livingston was on top
of the problem before I even saw it (spontanious rebooting). I love
3.3.3, it works GREAT, but that doesn't mean I won't jump to 3.3.4 the day
its released!

Holding back on technology (especially proven to suck technology, hope you
got some extra IPs handy out of the group of 10, 20, 25, or 30 on your PM)
just henders the entire advance of the 'system' as a whole. Supporting
legacy (Win3.x, ComOS 3.1.x, PM-11s, 300 baud modems, etc) is
anti-productive and stuff.

So, like, upgrade or something. I don't think the entire idle timeout
thing was working until 3.3.1 anyways... It also may be a problem with
your dictionary file...

Sorry, I had to get that out.. I wasted an entire day on two 3.1 customers,
when Win95 would have got them on and running within an hour for both.