Re: Can't negotiate compatible protocol errors...

Jeff T. Carneal (
Tue, 26 Nov 1996 10:43:31 -0600

This is an interesting is one thing I've noticed
about this error. Upon receiving the error on a machine I *know*
is set up correctly, I turn on "Bring up terminal window after dialing"
and note that I get garbage instead of a welcome message and login
prompt. This always indicated to me that it was either 1) Bad modem
connection (not likely) or 2) Bad phone connection. Number 2 seemed
more likely since I tried the same machine, modem, everything on a
different line and it worked like a champ.

Also, here are a few things I found on the web about curing this
problem. Some of them seemed to help, some of them seem useless.
You can determine which you like:

--Make sure maximum port speed is 38400 or lower
--Make sure only one copy of winsock.dll (in c:\windows)
--Turn on "terminal window after dialing"

A few of these have helped in certain instances. Also, we get this
error from time to time when 95 uses a bad init string for the modem
it finds. After calling the manufacturer and getting the string they
recommend, it often eliminates the error. I'm not saying it makes
perfect sense, but that's what we've experienced...

--jeff carneal