How to setup PM for WinNT dedicated dial-up

Yoji Godhi (
Tue, 26 Nov 1996 13:01:12 +1100

Hi, PM users

We have one PM25. One of our customer wants their NT machine to be connected to our PM25 through dedicated dial up. They are going to have their own domain and network. Would you please tell me the typical configuration for this case? We are using radius and dynamic addresses for PM25 dial-up interface.
We have several class C networks.
aaa.bbb.114.0 : our local network
aaa.bbb.115.0 : subnetted ( 8 subnetworks ) using for dynamic IPs for PM25.
aaa.ccc.96.0 : in stock
aaa.ccc.97.0 : in stock

| | | | | | | (currently, dynamic ip : aaa.bbb.115.1 - aaa.bbb.115.31 subnetted)
|??????? How to assign IP address for this interface
<Customers NT>
|-----------(Ethernet interface)
| | | | | | | (We will give them some of our IPs in stock.)


PS, If they only have one NT machine in their domain, I mean no other machines,
would you tell me how to set up, too?