Re: PM3 Question (fwd)

Scott Henry (
25 Nov 1996 12:22:23 -0800

I have a question about the PM-3 that I haven't seen go by yet.
Possibly becuase no one else wants to do this. It may really be a
PRI/ISDN question...

Is there anyway to tell (ie: in the accounting packets) whether a
call came in via an 800 number or a local number? We have both 800-
and local dialup to our server (it's a internal Corporate dialup,
not an ISP, and we chargeback 800 and local access differently).
Currently, we have to give people 2 accounts, since with a PM-2 we
can't tell whether the call is coming in via the 800 line or not.

1) is this information available on the PRI D-channel?
2) is this information avialable in the accounting packets?

It would be really, *really* nice if this worked!

 Scott Henry <> /  Help! My disclaimer is missing!
 Networking Services,        /  GIGO *really* means: Garbage in, Gospel Out
 Silicon Graphics, Inc      /