ascend 25fx, portmaster, and macintosh with asante enet card
Mon, 25 Nov 1996 03:45:51 -0500

...don't work together.

I have the ascend and the portmaster configured correctly, I believe.

I can ping the ascend from a host on the other side of the portmaster,
but i cannot connect from the mac to a host on the inside
nor can i ping the mac from the inside. (and i wrote all this before
i had a macintosh ping program, but i just located one of those and
i can't ping the ascend from the mac...).

netstat -a on the host being telnetted to does not show a half-open

show arp on the ascend DOES show the mac's ethernet address (see below)
and IP number.

the mac is a IIfx running system 7.5.5;

the asante card driver is version 5.6.0 (downloaded yesterday from
asante), the card is an "MCNB rev a, part number 09-00061-00;

the portmaster is a 2e with the standard 10 serial ports and a single
5-bri board as the first expansion port running comOS 3.3.1;

the ascend a 25fx with 4.6C.

This is my home machine, but i had the same problem, i believe,
with a different mac (but literally the exact same ethernet card)
in the office. After switching from the mac to a windows machine,
and realizing i had a bad cable between the ascend and the minihub,
things started working (I think; i cannot guarantee i didn't make any
other configuration changes).

Routing tables are correct on the ascend, the portmaster, and the sun,
to the best of my knowledge (see below).

I have tried MacTCP 2.6 and Open Transport 1.1 (? whatever ships with
7.5.5) with no apparent effect.

HEre's some relevant output from the ascend, the portmaster, and the
solaris box. Note the >>'s on the ascend output, i see what's
happening but in the context of the rest of it i have no clue why.

ascend% show icmp

26 packets received.
0 packets received with errors.
Input histogram:
26 echo requests.
202 packets transmitted.
0 packets not transmitted due to lack of resources.
Output histogram:
26 echo replies.
>>>> 173 destination unreachable.
3 time exceeded.

ascend% show ip route

Destination Gateway IF Flg Pref Met Use Age wan1 SGP 100 1 0 6040 - lo0 CP 0 0 0 6040 - ie0 C 0 0 40 6040 - lo0 CP 0 0 208 6040 wan1 SGP 100 1 32 6041 wan1 SP 100 1 181 6041 - ie0 CP 0 0 0 6041

ascend% show arp

IP Address Hardware Address Type Interface RefCount
>>>> 00:00:94:60:28:e3 Dynamic *unknown* 1

>'s and ^'s mine for emphasis.

from the portmaster:

Command> show routes
Destination Gateway Flag Met Interface
--------------------- -------------------- ---- --- --------- NS 1 ether0 HL 1 ptp10 NL 1 ether0 NS 1 ptp10
[some deleted]

from the solaris 2.5 box at (imp is the portmaster).

~@pub-sun% netstat -r

Routing Table:
Destination Gateway Flags Ref Use Interface
-------------------- -------------------- ----- ----- ------ ---------
localhost localhost UH 0 24371 lo0 imp UG 0 59 pub-sun U 3 2616 le0
BASE-ADDRESS.MCAST.NET pub-sun U 3 0 le0
default aagate UG 0 1054
[again, some deleted]

The PPP link is definitely up between the ascend and the portmaster,
both sides agree on that (and again, i can ping the ascend from the
solaris box).

I'm stumped. Help!


dan pritts         
Unix System Admin      First Virtual Holdings, Inc.           313-213-3791