Re: 2400 baud support? Get real! (fwd)

MegaZone (
Sun, 24 Nov 1996 21:04:56 -0800 (PST)

Once upon a time Bryan Wann_Stigler_ISP shaped the electrons to say...
>trunk... No ISDN service on it, but we should be able to support 56k
>modems through an Ascend box. (Am I right in this thinking?)

Yes - when Ascend and Rockwell have the modems to ship. Rockwell has
publically stated that they think Ascend is being a little too aggressive
in their announcements. Namely - Rockwell isn't sure they will have
production silicon in time for Ascend's announced ship date.

In return Ascend is pressuring Rockwell to kludge something with the
existing silicon until the real chips are available.


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