Framed-Route (fwd)

MegaZone (
Sun, 24 Nov 1996 20:48:14 -0800 (PST)

Once upon a time Evan Champion shaped the electrons to say...
> Framed-Route = "network destination distance"
>The problem is that assumes that you know up-front what the destination
>will be (ie: doesn't allow dynamic IP address assignment).

No true. Using for destination allows dynamic addressing.

> Framed-Route = "destination/maskbits"
> Framed-Route = ""

>Is there any way the Portmasters can be used like this (or, as a
>suggestion for a future software rev, is there any way this functionality
>could be added)?

Framed-Route = " 1"

(It is always going to be 1 - the other end of the link unless you
deliberately want to raise the metric.)


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