Re: You've been waiting for it... (fwd)

MegaZone (
Sun, 24 Nov 1996 20:28:19 -0800 (PST)

Once upon a time Dave Kennedy shaped the electrons to say...
>Man, you ask for a few man pages and you get a 200 page novel. Now,

Actually I think it is 300+...

>Side question: when is this available for bathroom reading
>(hard-copy) and on CD? What costs for the printed manuals and CD?

The manual is at the printers AFAIK, and it will be on the next CD.

Manuals and CD's are shipped with all new products. The CD is also the
one with RADIUS 2.0, so if you've registered for that you'll get it.

Both can be ordered individually, I don't know if the pricelist on line
has been updated with the new manual yet. I'll see that it is if it hasn't
been yet.


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