Linux Question

Alexm (
Sun, 24 Nov 1996 20:18:18 -0500

This message pertains to Linux and not Pm. If some one would be kind to
point me to a good linux mailing list. Anyways here is the question.

I had version 2.0.20 on my server.

First thing I upgraded from .20 to .26 by just installing the patches
one at a time with patch -p0 >patch?????. Is this ok or do you need to
recompile after every version.

second. instead of installing the patches from the usr/src directory I
did it from my directory with a link to linux. Is it ok to install the
patches from there?

Third question. After I compile the new versions I then rebooted the
system. When I logged in it still sayed version 2.0.20 but I look at the
new vmlinux and it has todays date as well as the .old file, what
happened, could it be because I didnt compile it from the usr/src
directory? Is there a way to see if it really did upgrade?

Fourth. I compiled it like this make clean; make dep; make zlilo. Do i
need to run make configure everytime or maybe make oldconfig?? I havent
done it, is it necessary if nothing has changed?

Thanx for the time.