Re: Win95 DUN with dialback

Per Hedeland (
Sat, 23 Nov 1996 14:36:22 +0100 (MET)

Hm, I didn't know that there was such an interest in dialback - I'd have
thought there would then have been lots of RFE's (along with mine, hint
hint:-) for doing framed dialback without needing a location in the PM,
and Livingston would have implemented it by now.:-) Anyway, I replied
off-list to the original question, but I guess I'll repost here.

Frederic Hertling wrote:
>I've try for mounth ago to write a script for the dial-back feature. There is a problem.
>To activate the call-back process on win95 you have to do a special authentication
>and the actual release of PM doesn't this authentication type.

I'm afraid I don't know anything about a special "call-back process" for
Win95, but it's certinly doable (I have) with the normal scripting
functionality (which is included the standard distribution, but not
installed by default).

>Every time the PM authenticate you as a call-back user, it will cut the line and simply
>call you back. On the win95, you won't receive the special packet to tell that PM is
>calling back.

Well, the PM does send "Dialback...", but I don't know if that is any

> Your DUN will react on the DCD lost and end the session.

Yes, this is the main problem I encountered (real OS'es can of course
be, and typically are, set up to ignore DCD drop until the connection is
fully established) - the "simple" fix is of course to configure the
modem to keep DCD high regardless of presence of carrier on the line,
but then a "real" disconnect won't be noticed.

The other problem is that the script isn't run until W95 has dialed and
connected - you'd really want to get at it *before* the dial. Somewhere
in the twisty maze of click-and-config windows in W95 there is a place
to put "additional settings", but I haven't tried that.

Below is a W95 script that changes the modem config on the fly, setting
it to always keep DCD high before logging in, and then setting it back
again when the dialback is completed. On my modem (Powerbit a.k.a.
Intertex), this is done with &C0 and &C1 respectively, dunno if that is
standard - check your manual... It furthermore assumes that the script
in the PM location is just "atdt<phone#>\r" "CONNECT", i.e. no re-
authentication is done - if you need that, you'll have to hack it a bit.

--Per Hedeland

; C:\Program Files\Accessories\login.scp
proc main
integer nTries = 5
transmit "+++"
waitfor "ok" until 5
transmit "at&c0s0=0^M"
waitfor "ok" until 5
transmit "ato^M"
waitfor "connect" until 30
while nTries > 0 do
waitfor "ogin:" then DoLogin until 3
transmit "^M"
nTries = nTries - 1
transmit $USERID, raw
transmit "^M"
waitfor "assword:" until 20
transmit $PASSWORD, raw
transmit "^M"
waitfor "ring" until 90
transmit "ata^M"
waitfor "connect" until 30
transmit "+++"
waitfor "ok" until 5
transmit "at&c1^M"
waitfor "ok" until 5
transmit "ato^M"
waitfor "connect" until 5