Re: BellSouth does it again...

Jeff T. Carneal (
Fri, 22 Nov 1996 15:07:27 -0600

After finishing Captain Scarlet's reply to my letter...a few things
dawned on me, and I'd like to share them now.

First, the issue at hand was that the government now appears to be
jumping into the 'Net biz just like all the "big boys" of telcos and
such...Since Mr. Scarlet is evidently so confident in the government's
abilities in this area, I wonder how it would strike him if Uncle Sam
suddenly poured all him resources into developing and providing
super-whammy deluxe terminal servers for all the citizens of the US to
use...maybe then he would have no small amount of empathy?

Also, I don't necessarily think "socialist" is a dirty word, but it seems
odd to me that so many people don't realize that that is exactly what
the government rendered services I described are. Furthermore, it pisses
me off that the government has chosen to narrow in on the Internet field
while there is no particular company that dominates that market. Seems
kinda like easy prey I guess. I don't see them running phone lines on
the same fiber they're doing internet on? Now why might that be...

I did agree with him on one point, however. That's that this has gotten
*WAY* off topic...not that I wouldn't love to discuss it further. If
anybody knows of a suitable list, or would like to provide one, I'd love
to be on it.

PS - No local city government has *EVER* paved an interstate highway... :)

`' Jeff Carneal / Sys Admin \ Apex Internet `'
`' `'
`' The opinions expressed above aren't really mine. They belong to `'
`' someone else who also refuses to take responsibility for them. `'