Socket Kills

Timothy Deem (
Fri, 22 Nov 1996 11:26:37 -0600 (CST)


This is a bit off topic, but I know this is where the folks that will
know will be :)

We have customers that dial into our service using Trumpet 2.0b from
their Windows 3.x machines. A few have reported that when they
disconnect, regardless of what they are doing or how long they have been
online, that they receive several (5-6) "Socket Killed" windows that they
have to answer OK to in order to continue with the disconnect.

We have made sure they are closing all applications correctly, but it
doesn't appear to have any effect -- they still receive the "Socket
Killed" windows. It also doesn't appear to matter at what speed they
connect, some are at 14.4 and others at 33.6...

Any suggestions as to what can cause this....? If so, has anyone
discovered a resolution...?
