Re: You've been waiting for it...

Dave Kennedy (
Fri, 22 Nov 1996 08:09:50 -0500 (EST)

MegaZone writes...
> I suggest you check out <URL:>
> There is something there many of you have been asking for. ;-)
> (No, it isn't all the docs in HTML. But we are working on that too.)

Man, you ask for a few man pages and you get a 200 page novel. Now,
along with 2400 baud support for the PM3 :), I've got it all. A quick
scan shows the new manual to cover a bunch of good stuff.

Side question: when is this available for bathroom reading
(hard-copy) and on CD? What costs for the printed manuals and CD?


| Dave Kennedy (             Voice: 770-368-1514 |
| Multi-User Systems, Inc.      Putting MUSCLE in Internet Access |