Re: how to indent? (fwd)

Charles Scott (
Fri, 22 Nov 1996 00:57:27 -0500 (EST)

Not that it's really pertinent to this list, but the best way to do
indents is to create a single pixel transparent gif with no color, then
use the width and height specs on the img tag to define how big you'd
like the space to be. It's also good for controlled verticle spacing.

While your're at it, make a bunch of single pixel gifs in various colors.
They're great for making lines, blocks and other such things. The neat
thing about it is that a single pixel gif loads in nothing flat.
Multiple use of it doesnt' require (generally) additional downloads.
Also, there is no additional download cost for making it wide or high.


On Thu, 21 Nov 1996, MegaZone wrote:

> Once upon a time Frederick Parent shaped the electrons to say...
> >For example, you could have different indentations on a page:
> >
> ><UL>This is the first indented paragraph
> ><UL>This is another indentation within the first one.
> ><UL>etc...
> ></UL></UL></UL>
> Which is completelyt invalid HTML. The only tag valid inside a UL is LI.
> This code can create odd effects on some browsers.
> Use tables.
> -MZ
> --
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