Re: PM2e30 digital? (fwd)

MIX System Operator (
Wed, 20 Nov 1996 00:12:14 -0600

At 06:21 PM 11/18/96 -0800, MZ wrote:
>Once upon a time Brandon shaped the electrons to say...
>>does anyone know if the PM2e30 is going to be able to support the new
>>x2 technology? Sorry if this has been discussed before.
>That's unlikely as it would require an internal modem card that accepted
>BRI lines. Like a 5BRI with modems.

You sure? Did you read how it works? Not black magic at all.

It needs either PRI or channelized to work on either end (don't think the
customer will have it :).

Ameritech rates:

PRI ~$720/mo
Channelized T1 ~$440
(about $4 less than what we pay now even!)

Amazing how many customers are asking about this already.

Jeff Mountin

MIX Communications
Serving the Internet since 1990

Sure my business card says "Senior Network Administrator"
They still make me do just about anything.