Re: Check your phone bill carefully

Jon Lusky (
Mon, 18 Nov 1996 22:30:39 -0500 (EST)

MegaZone writes:
> Some of these new LD carriers have no honor. Last month my LD company
> switched to 'Excel Telecommunications'. Well, I sure as hell didn't
> authorize that. So I called AT&T and PacBell and discovered that this is
> not an isolated incident. Some of these small joints are submitting change
> of service requests on customers they have never talked to. Looks like they
> are banking on people just not noticing.

I believe this is referred to as slamming. From what I understand, it's
not limited to just small new LD carriers either...

Jonathan R. Lusky		|  Voyager Online, LLC
Director of Network Operations	|  (423) 209-2929		|  Unlimited PPP $19.95/mo		|