Re: Beta Programs and Selling Out

Damien T. (
Fri, 15 Nov 1996 08:41:42 -0800

At 07:21 AM 11/14/96 -0800, you wrote:

>I am aware that there are certain features we have announced but are still
>unavaliable. What features are you specifically in need of? I'll let you
>know the status if you are specific.

The highest priority for us is the ability to use multiple sub-interfaces
with a frame relay connection. Currently, we are limited to 2 sub-interfaces,
and the "Configuration Guide for PortMaster Products" dated December, 1995
contains a note on page 16-12 that is bulleted with a graphic. The note

"A future release will remove this restriction and allow you to divide
each frame relay interface into as many virtual subinterfaces as you like."

I've been waiting patiently because this wasn't much of an issue at first,
but now we have multiple PM2-ER and OR-HS products scattered about with
many, many more in our future and managing routes to them via frame is
becoming a nightmare.

>I am confidnet our service levels are getting better, not worse. When was
>the last time you called tech support? For a fact, our service levels have
>improved *dramatically* in the past several months. Our group has taken many
>steps to insure better performance and its paying off. Give them a call and
>see what the results are.

The last time I called was about a month ago. It was my 3rd call in a 12-month
period, a period in which we've purchased $20k of Livingston products. It took
one week for a tech to return the call (which involved a routing issue).
She was
in a hurry when she called, explained things incorrectly, corrected herself when
questioned about her answers. The call lasted about two minutes and resulted in
me being told that it wasn't possible to do what I was trying to do (Ascend
was involved).

A week later, I mailed another question to support, and still have not heard
anything. Oh well. In three weeks, I think I may have figured out the issue
at hand.

>>a rumor that Livingston is selling out to a venture capital firm very soon,
>>and I just can't help but to have a queasy feeling in the pit of my stomach.
>Rumor? Hmm.. hadn't heard that one - and I share a wall with the main legal
>beagle here. Anyway, I don't listen to rumors.

After checking out the source of this rumor, I discovered is was B.S. The guy
didn't know what he was talking about, and I apologise for furthering the mis-

>We will do what is right for both the customer and ourselves - gotta protect
>yourself. We are tremendously loyal to our customers. If you knew the senior
>management here like I do, you would have a higher level of confidence in
>Livignston's ability to do the right thing by the customer.

Yes, we were attracted to Livingston for that very reason. Based on my recent
experiences and the crap about the VC, I guess I felt overwhelmed and
by what I perceived happening to Livingston.

Understand that although you may deal with thousands of customers, as a customer
we only deal with a few vendors and tend to be loyal to them. Thus sometimes
small things get blown out of proportion, and it's easy to get side-tracked.

Imagine the Linux vs FreeBSD battles of opinion in a Livingston vs Cisco or
Ascend type scenario. We all have our feelings about equipment and software
and will usually stick up for our choice.
