MegaZone (
Thu, 14 Nov 1996 19:11:11 -0800 (PST)

It seems the mail glitch generated confusion:
1. DO NOT email me about this. I'm just the list admin on this one, if you
want more details talk to <> or
2. The mail glitch was a mistake on my part, the message was not. Here it
is (yes again) to clear things up:

November 15, 1996

Livingston Customers,

I am writing to inform you that Capella Wolrdwide is no longer a Livingston
Authorized reseller.

Effective immediately please direct all sales any inquiries that may have
been directed at Capella to one of the following: Livingston Inside Sales
department at 1-800-458-9966 or send email to, or visit
our web page at

Regards - jon

+Jon Mann V 510-737-2162 +
+Director of Sales, N.A. F 510-426-8951 +
+Livingston Enterprises, Inc. pager 800-425-9192 +
+4464 Willow Rd. +
+Pleasanton, CA 94588-8519 +

That's what *I* know. So please don't ask me for details, as some people
have started to do.

I've set the Reply-To to Jon.


Livingston Enterprises - Chair, Department of Interstitial Affairs
Phone: 800-458-9966 510-426-0770 FAX: 510-426-8951
For support requests:  <> 
Snail mail: 6920 Koll Center Parkway  #220, Pleasanton, CA 94566