Re: Shiva DNS resolution with PM2

Jon Lusky (
Thu, 14 Nov 1996 08:07:11 -0500 (EST)

David J. Cronin writes:
> Hi,
> We are encountering problems with ShivaPPP (distributed with Netscape v2.02
> Dialup Kit for Windows 3.x) and our new PM2 30 port terminal server.
> We have found that Shiva can connect ok to the PM2, however Netscape
> (and other internet utils) are unable to resolve DNS names. You can
> aim your browser at an IP address ok, however the corresonding domain
> name brings up the old "No DNS entry" message.
> We have encountered this problem only with ShivaPPP. All other products
> are able to resolve DNS names correctly (eg. NT 4.0, Windows 95, Mac, etc).
> We are using the PM2 with RADIUS 1.6 on a Sun workstation.
> Has anyone had similar grief with Shiva ? Is it a PM2 problem or a Shiva
> specific sickness ?

Nope, the Shiva dialer works great for us, except for users with RPI modems.
Two things you might want to check:
1) check that the nameserver addresses are correctly entered in the dialer
2) ditto for the portmaster

Jonathan R. Lusky		|  Voyager Online, LLC
Director of Network Operations	|  (423) 209-2929		|  Unlimited PPP $19.95/mo		|