Re: ISPs in trouble? (fwd)

Kyle Platts (
Tue, 12 Nov 96 13:53:48 -0600

Competing with an internal price advantage. Same as Pacific Bell
Bet that Pacific Bell Internet doesn't pay the same prices for
incoming lines
and such nor suffer the same delays that the rest of us do when
attempting to
obtain service from Pacific Bell. They aren't competing directly
with the
rest of their customers. They aren't using internal pricing
advantages on
circuits to price the rest of their customers out of existance.
THAT's the
definition of anti-trust last I looked.


What you have just described above is blatantly illegal.

I am in a unique position as I work for an RBOC on the "regulated"
side of the business, but I can also do "unregulated" work. Our
internet access company, !NTERACT, purchases their products (phone
lines, PRI, BRI, Frame Relay, point to point, et all) from U S WEST
at the same price and conditions as anyone else does. This is how it
has to be. !NTERACT is the "unregulated" side of our business. This
means they play by the same rules as everyone else.

In fact, !NTERACT is NOT co-located in the cities where they offer
service. They are in buildings just like some of you are that are on
this list. They have the same hurdles to jump through when getting
facilities as you do. They do not receive any favorable treatment

Please do not think that the RBOC's internet offerings are in any
way treated better than ISP's. Our organization is very careful to
make sure that everyone is treated fairly. We are also very happy to
be working with many of the fine men and women associated in the
internet industry and strive to provide the highest quality product
with the best pricing we can. Remeber, !NTERACT pays the same price
for their T1's as you do.


Kyle Platts
!NTERPRISE Networking Services