Re: ISPs in trouble? (fwd)

Jason Hatch (
Tue, 12 Nov 1996 12:27:44 -0500 (EST)

On Tue, 12 Nov 1996, Matthew S. Crocker wrote:

> > Now having said that, I think that the LEC's will start putting local
> > ISP's out of business because they can offer lower rates especially to
> > larger customers for internet access since the infrastructure is THEIRS
> > and its already in place.
> I agree, but being an ISP and having stressed NYNEX to it technical limit
> on simple problems I don't think we will have to much trouble competing
> on a service basis. We will lose on price but we can beat them hands
> down on responsiveness and customer service. Check out my signature, it
> has my phone number on it. You can call and speak to the person in
> charge of the Internet Division here ON THE PHONE!. Try to call the
> NYNEX president. People WILL pay more for quality, look at BMW, Lexus
> and Jaguar.
> -Matt


I know you probably don't think that this is going to happen, but if it
does, isn't there a way we can perform some kind of civil and/or anti
trust action? What they're proposing sounds rediculous.

I agree with you that INET access has gotten way too cheap, and MSN and
AOL lowering their prices to $19.95 a month for unlimited access is not
helping things. The other bone-heads in the areacode who drop their
prices, relying on the consumers to shop by price are making it tougher
because customers DO shop for price. The average newbie to the net has no
clue about what a quality provider is, and we've lost many, many customers
for as little as $2 a month price difference.

Somehow, though, I have a feeling that this proposal to levy an access
charge or some other bogus attempt to make it impossible for ISPs to stay
in business will come to the surface soon, and I have a feeling that
companies like MSN and AOL will survive.

Any way you cut it, for them to levy this access charge is downright
