Re: Access to the net.

John G. Thompson (
Mon, 11 Nov 1996 10:31:23 -0800 (PST)

On Sun, 11 Aug 1996 wrote:
> John G. Thompson wrote:
> >
> > On Sun, 11 Aug 1996 wrote:
> > >
> > > strangest thing has been happening. I have been having complaints from
> > > my ddedicated 28.8 customers that they are loosing the connection to the
> > > internet constanly. They say that they can ping the machines on my
> > > internal network but they cant access anything out of my network. For
> > > like 2-3 minutes they can access anything at all out of my network.
> >
> > Sounds like a routing issue.
> Ok where should I start looking for to find this problem. I have a Cisco
> 2501.

On the Cisco do a 'sho ip route'.

> pm1> show modem usr
> Short Name: usr
> Long Name: USRobotics Sportster and Courier
> Optimal Speed: 115200
> Type: User Defined
> Init Script: Send Command Wait for Reply
> ------------------------------
> -----------------------------
> AT&FM0Q2S2=255S13=1\r OK

Hmm. I think this might be part of the problem. I'd suggest...

add mod usr "USRobotics Sportster and Courier" 115200 "at&f1&c1&d2&k3s0=1s2=255s13=1&w0&w1\r^OK"

The &f1 is the hardware flow control template. The &c1&d2&k3 are normal CD
mode, hangup on DTR drop and MNP5 error correction. These should be int
he &f1 default, if they are you can remove them. The s0=1 is probably
redundant, but what the heck. S2, you are disabling the +++ function,
which is probably a good idea.

The writes on the end put that config in the NVRAM.

If these are USR sporters you can add s13.0=1 to have the modem reset
from the NVRAM setting at the end of every call.

This *should* take care of the overruns.

> > > Name Ipkts Ierrs Opkts Oerrs Collis Resets Queue
> > > ether0 8812443 1 8120472 0 10900 0 0
> > >
> > > Doesnt look too bad?
> >
> > Nope. Looks okay. How about the upstream router?
> >
> > > Any suggestions?
> >
> > Check that the dynamic ip address pool is known by the upstream router.
> > If it is in the same network as the ether0, there isn't a problem. If
> > you have used a set from another network make sure the upstream router
> > knows that it is there by RIP or a static route.
> My router is on the same network as the portmaster.

Are your dynamic IP address in the same network as the ether0 of PM.
Might help if you send the ether address and netmask on the ether0 port
and the starting IP address in the global display.



John G. Thompson      Livingston Enterprises Inc.    Phone: (800) 458-9966
JOAT(MON)             6920-220 Koll Centre Pkwy.       Fax: (510) 426-8951 Pleasanton, CA 94566